Wednesday 6 May 2009

iWork Workshop at the Apple store Regent street

Today I went for another marathon session at the apple store. Before I bought my Mac, I had visited a couple of sessions at the Apple store before and was intrigued by the option to have a complete productivity package at a low price and with all the features Microsoft Office offers.

So when I bought my Mac book, I immediately bought iWork with it. The problems started to occur when I had to write my first report for school, as I could not find the features that i was used to from Word, allowing me to re-start the numbering of pages, adjust the table of content, and others.

As my trial version for Microsoft office is running out soon, I wanted to take the opportunity of the workshop and see if I had probably not found these features.

What I had to find out, was that the people giving the workshops do not really know a lot about the products. They do not have the in depth knowledge that is required to answer my questions. At the same time, I have to say that pages and numbers are not really competing with Word and Excel when it comes to productivity. Keynotes is something else. It is quite different from Powerpoint and has some effects that make it very attractive.

My overall conclusion is that Microsoft Office is length ahead from iWork. In terms of performance, features, and usability it can not compete with the industry standard.
Furthermore, I suggest to Apple to invest more training into their flagship store staff and their knowledge about the applications. This sort of responsibility comes from being a hardware and software producer who push their products excessively through marketing.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Apple Store Garage Band

I am at the Apple store once more, and signed up for the Garage Band Hands on workshop. Since I have tried to figure this program out for a couple of times now and didn't find it intuitive as iPhoto.

So after the workshop with Darren, I have to say.... it's an "OK" application. I can not really do much with it, since I am not a musician. But if you knew how to play an instrument, I reckon that you could make a lot of interesting things with it.

Monday 4 May 2009

Monster Energy drink

Today I tried the Monster Energy drink.
I have been a big fan of energy drinks since they came out. So when I decided to do a company research project on Hansen Natural, I found out about the monster Energy drink. The monster energy drink basically saved Hansen from bankruptcy, and has secured them 25% of Americas Energy Drink market.
When I went to the little corner shop underneath my old apartment, I saw the drink in the shelf and immediately bought it. When I decided to drink it today I wanted to look it up on the company website before. What I found, was a blog by a guy who experienced extreme discomfort.
So when I drank it today, I was not really expecting anything, since I have been drinking several Red Bulls during my exam and paper writing phase.
Now,1 hour after having had about three fourth of the half liter can, I am feeling a bit lightheaded. I constantly have to go to the bathroom, and I don't really feel super awake as I would be after having two Red Bulls.
I now wonder if just takes getting used to,...

Thursday 30 April 2009

Life, Love, let me depart soon

OK, here I am.

First blog, hmmm what to write about. Could be writing about Celine Karli. Those of you who know me would either love it or hate it. If you are really close to me you would probably hate it, because this topic has occupied too much of your time already. So I choose something else.

What else is there? Oh, I could be writing about party lifestyle, irresponsible substance abuse, and laziness. I am very good at the later one, for I have practiced it my whole life. But why spend time on telling you about stuff that is not adding any value, because either you have experienced it yourself, or you have no clue why one finds these things remotely interesting.

So there are only two more things that I would call myself an expert on. These would be the consumption of media (mostly movies and TV series) and running.

Well the first one is something I still want to get deeper into, as i have begun writing my first movie script this year and hope I manage to finish it.

The second, I have started to pick up again, last year (when the economy slowed down and I had a lot of time on my hand). Although I have always been jogging, I think that I have reached a new level now. Just due to the amounts of time and money I have invested into this sport now. Which reminds me, I should probably cancel my gym membership. I am not using it on a regular basis and all I am doing it throwing out money on a monthly basis.

So here is my running story. Ever-since I was little, my father went jogging on sundays. And when I was able to ride my bike, I would come and drive next to him, until two kilometers in the forest, where I would lock my bike and jog with him (though mostly far behind him). Most of the time I would go home earlier, and just walk most of the distance.
This early sporting activity did however give me a certain advantage in school sports, as I was one, if not the fastest runner in my class. There was only this one girl that was always faster than me. A fact that would intrigue me, and fall madly in love with her.

Throughout my time in primary and high-school, I have tried many sports. First there was Judo (which I was way to light for), then there was a short episode of soccer and tennis (where I lacked moral support and abandoned them), then there was table tennis (where after big investments and some minor successes, I had to realize that other people had more skills than me), then there were even shorter trials at Hapkido, Flag football, & Kickboxing. All abandoned after weeks or months.

Then there was swimming, on saturdays, after grocery shopping in the city, my father would go swimming and would drag me along. Maybe I should mention that I had been taken to swimming classes when I was only three months old. Although I had picked up swimming as a team sport, I found it rather boring to finish lap after lap. So one day I was spotted by a coach who suggested to my father to take me to water-polo. Which he did and I did for quite some time. Although it was a very physical sport and I, as mentioned before was always more on the lighter side which was a big handicap, found a way to be useful in the team. Mostly I made use of illegal practices below the water surface, like pulling people down, or just logging on tho them and have them carry my weight. Thats how it works. Whatever the referee doesn't see, does not really happen. A concept others did not really understand, as they would lash out at me, when I held them and they would get penalized for it.
The biggest achievements my team had in their age class, were several state championships and one national championship title. But, when we moved to indonesia, I had to abandon it... although, thinking about it, I kinda quit before that, when I started smoking pot and went into the whole hip-hop and graffiti scene.

So, back to running... maybe I should include a little fact here. In biology I learned that there was a contradiction in humans. Evolution has created or should I say selected, specialists that have an advantage and can therefore evade competition in certain niches. Giraffes have long necks enabling them to eat leaves in heights where other animals can not reach, crabs have developed claws which they can use as tools to open shells, and other animals have developed a digestive system that allows them to digest plants that others can not. Obviously plants and animals continue to evolve and try to evade being the food source of the other. So, where is the human skill that put us on top of all the other species (although this is a very arrogant point of view, as evolution will also improve us)? When our biology teacher asked us this, we all thought about the brain. How the size and the amount of neurons in the human brain would enable human ancestors to outsmart other animals. But that wasn't the solution. because something much more important came before the development of the brain. The ability to walk upright. Yes, humans are a specialist after all. A specialist in efficiency. The way we walk is the most energy efficient mode of transportation. This enables humans to outrun a horse in distance (a practice that was used as a rite of initiation in native american tribes, where a young adult had to track and catch a horse). Because the arms act as a pendulum that transforms kinetic energy and sends this motion to the legs, almost no energy is lost during the forward motion. To read more about this visit:

So, I will have to stop right now, but I will be back soon. To tell you more about walking, running and my life in shoes.